Creative in association withGear Seven

CueSongs launches invite-only beta

Music industry pioneers launch a new online synchronization B2B royalty stream for signed artists and rights-holders
CueSongs, the one-stop music licensing hub for online and digital media usage, is today launching its invite-only beta phase at Midem.
CueSongs, co-founded by Ed Averdieck, (formerly with Nokia Music and OD2) and music pioneer Peter Gabriel, is opening its online platform offering licensed music and recordings from signed and independent artists, DJ’s and composers such as Ennio Morricone, Peter Gabriel, Judge Jules, Deadly Avenger & John Metcalfe to be used in online and mobile media. 
Peter Gabriel, co-founder of CueSongs illustrates: “The old world of travel was exclusive to the rich few who could afford it.  But the introduction of low prices and easy online access created an extraordinary market that very few had imagined was there. No-one at all had pictured a world in which Easy Jet would be carrying more passengers than BA.”
“The old world of music licensing is still the exclusive province of the few. It is too expensive for most, rarely available online and can be painfully slow and complicated.  By introducing low prices and easy online access, CueSongs is creating a new market for music, to satisfy a huge untapped demand that can begin to provide new income streams for artists.” he continues.
“Young and minority interest artists will be able to get their work in front of people all over the world looking to license something interesting and different. Successful artists will find that a lot of their catalogue that is now rarely touched can generate a lot of use, with easy access and the right price.
And, I am delighted to be going on another pioneering digital adventure with Ed Averdieck.“ Gabriel concludes.
With its pre-licensed music and recordings for use in online and mobile media, CueSongs is offering a simple way for anyone to find well-known music recordings and immediately purchase the right to use them in digital media, e.g. on their website, on Facebook, YouTube, in apps, online advertising and other micro-usages. 
Ed Averdieck, CEO and co-founder of CueSongs says: “Only a relatively small proportion of copyrights earn licensing and synchronization income at the moment. But as the world’s marketing spend shifts online, we believe that, of the many millions of websites and digital businesses that exist today, a significant proportion of them would license commercially released music if it was reasonably priced and easy to access.” 
“We want to make it possible for even the smallest websites and businesses to license music and recordings from the catalogues of both signed and independent musicians in a one-off transaction. This is good for everyone. Artists can determine up-front which sectors they are happy to make their music available to and access a new royalty stream. Websites and businesses will now be able to upgrade the music that they use in their web and digital marketing productions, while rights holders gain access to a sector that is difficult and administratively expensive to reach.“ he adds.
The music and recordings available on CueSongs are licensed from a wide range of major and independent rights holders including Sony Music, Sony ATV, Real World, MusicSales, Peer Music, Infectious, Cooking Vinyl, New State Entertainment, Kudos Records, Believe,Tummy Touch, Skint, BryanMorrison Music, A Songs / Southern Fried Records, Westbury Music, IRL, District 6 Publishing, Perfect Songs, Distiller Records & Downtown Music Publishing. 
Additionally, any CueSongs client, not currently licensed by PRS for Music, will be able to purchase songs with the Communication to the Public Right licensed via the CueSongs website in a “one stop” transaction.
What our clients and partners are saying about us: 
Nigel Elderton, European President Peer Music & MCPS Chairman comments: “I am very pleased to support CueSongs and wish them well with
their launch. I am hopeful that this new service will be of benefit to
Peer Music's writers by facilitating a quick and efficient way to clear our
While Patrick Joest, SVP Licensing, BMG, says: “BMG has spent time with CueSongs reviewing the plan and is supportive of their innovative approach to licensing." 
And, Mark Kelly of Marillion and Co Chief Executive of The Featured Artist Coalition says: "We think this is a very exciting project with the real possibility of getting our music used for online syncs, gaining exposure and earning income for Marillion".