Creative in association withGear Seven

Colenso BBDO Launches Series of Gorgeous Films for House of Travel

Advertising Agency
Auckland, New Zealand
Exit Films’ Kiku Ohe captures travel bliss in ‘The Best Holidays Are Created Together’
In an increasingly fragmented travel market competing on price and DIY behaviour, House of Travel wanted to remind New Zealanders about the importance of getting the best holiday experience at the best value. House of Travel’s new campaign, ‘The best holidays are created together’ reflects the way their travel consultants collaborate with customers to use their knowledge, buying power and passion for travel to create moments that people remember forever, building value into every holiday experience. And it‘s this message that House of Travel and Colenso BBDO wanted to bring to life in HOT’s latest campaign.
The campaign has been launched with a beautiful series of films shot by Kiku Ohe of Exit Films and Colenso BBDO on location in Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand. These ads are the first piece of work in an ongoing series of executions that will be rolled out across every communications touch point.  

Kiku commented, “House of Travel deliver an incredible range of tailored travel experiences, and I wanted to present this in an authentic and photographic way that explores personal memory. When we are on holiday the day seems to stretch out longer than when we are in our everyday routine, and it was a great challenge and joy to explore this concept of time. It truly was an exciting collaboration with House of Travel, Nick Worthington, Dave Brady and the whole team at Colenso Auckland.”
Andy McLeish, Planner for Colenso BBDO, said, “The real beauty of travel is the fact that you have experiences that enrich your life in all sorts of ways. The people at House of Travel get that better than anyone. So we wanted people to understand that the way to get the most out of their travel is to talk to an expert about their ideas. And the people with the most expertise and passion are at House of Travel.”

Nick Worthington, Creative Chairman at Colenso BBDO, added, “By working with the consultants at HOT and pulling on their incredible knowledge you can create holidays that push a little further based on your own wants and comfort levels.
“We wanted to communicate this in a totally genuine manner and show destinations in a way that the viewer would feel, not just watch. To that end, we cast real people over actors and sent them on real holidays, filming them on their travels to document their experiences. As they say in the films ‘it’s not just where you go, it’s where that place takes you’.”
Ken Freer, Marketing Director at HOT, said, “This brand campaign is the result of a huge amount of research carried out to understand how our customers think about travel in every aspect of their journey, from dreaming through to research, planning and travelling. We truly believe that our consultants and customers can create a better holiday together than either could do on their own.
“The beauty of using a House of Travel consultant is having an expert to provide advice on direction based on the specific needs of the customer. This has come through beautifully in our ads – ‘the best holidays are created together’ is a departure from any past brand positioning for House of Travel and really captures our direction as a business.”
As well as 60 and 30 second films, the campaign also features a longer 2:20 edit designed to play in cinema, making the most of this environment to allow audiences to truly experience the special moments created in the films.
Agency / Creative
Work from Colenso BBDO
Case Study: Adoptable