The current conditions around the world (Brexit, rise of populism, Covid, Black Lives Matter, activism, cyber threats) have catapulted brands into the intersection of politics, business and culture. Being non-political is not an argument anymore. Every brand is an integrated part of the societal fabric and therefore has a role, responsibility and obligation to speak out and take action to create systemic change.
The big question is: What do you say and how do you say it?
The choices brands make can be a make or break for their reputation and stakeholder engagement. 2020 will be remembered for the brands who got it right - and for those who got it wrong.
Clarity and the Conscious Advertising Network will be hosting a discussion on this topic, moderated by Chris Kenna, CEO and founder of brand advance, with speakers including Bonin Bough, one of the foremost-awarded marketing executives in the world, Felicia Carmichael, director of media, emerging & social, Ad Council, Abi Gibbons, comms director at ISBA and journalist Andy Saunders.
Thursday July 30th 4pm BST - Register here