Trends and Insight in association withSynapse Virtual Production

Brain Food: Apple iMilk, Poo-Pourri & Howl's Moving London

Eight creative things we love this week

LBB's Addison Capper gets all choked up and releases his inner nerd in this week's Friday creative treats. Dove gets a reality check, 'Howl's Moving Castle' hits London, scribbling gets complexly emotive, and more. 

These ARE The Measuring Cups You’re Looking For

Here’s my inner nerd coming out. I love cooking. And I love Star Wars. With this set of R2-D2 measuring cups I can cook with droid-like accuracy! Buy it at:


Among the plaudits, there’s been a fair whack of backlash to Dove’s beauty experiments for their apparent condescendence towards and manipulation of women. Comedy troupe Above Average has created its own faux empowering exercise in which women are asked to look into a mirror, only to see a man in a gorilla suit in their ‘reflections’. 

Wheat Is Wheat Is Wheat 

Apple iMilk. Imagine seeing this connected dairy product in your local supermarket. Peddy Mergui helps us envisage that exactly with this new exhibit of luxury-everyday products. There's Tiffany yoghurt, Dolce & Gabbana biscuits, Gucci Pickles and more. The exhibit runs until 15th June at San Francisco's Museum of Craft & Design.


I'll admit that I didn't really know 3D drawing was a 'thing'. But it is. And it looks awesome. After a successful Kickstarter campaign that raised $2.3 million, LIX is set to launch the smallest, slickest and most accessible 3D pen yet. The ultimate doodling tool can be yours for $139.95 (£85) and is available for pre-order soon at:

Man Manure

Poo-Pourri is back with another whimsical two-minute video to rid homes of fecal flavour. In 'Man Manure' the playful brand is offering "the perfect solution to his stinking pollution" with much of the same over-the-top English eloquence that proved so popular in last year's 'Girl's Don't Poop'. And yes, it is a real product. Take a look at:

Simply Scribbly 

The accuracy of these free-hand scribbles are pretty staggering. Their the handiwork of Malaysian artist Vince Low, whose ambition to execute simplicity with complex craft led to these surprisingly emotive scribbles in which he somehow captures the characters and personalities of the people featured. The illustrations are available for purchase on his website:


These images actually gave me goosebumps when I stumbled across them. There's much debate around the true meaning of the sculptures, so I'll quote creator Jason DeCaires Taylor to make it clear: "Vicissitudes depicts a circle of figures, all linked through holding hands. These are life-size casts taken from a group of children of diverse ethnic background. Circular in structure … the work both withstands strong currents and replicates one of the primary geometric shapes, evoking ideas of unity and continuum. … The sculpture proposes growth, chance, and natural transformation. It shows how time and environment impact on and shape the physical body. Children by nature are adaptive to their surroundings. Their use within the work highlights the importance of creating a sustainable and well-managed environment, a space for future generations.” See the full collection at:

Howl’s Moving London

Soundtrack collection website The Eighty Sixth Floor has created this gorgeous tribute to Hayao Miyazaki's 'Howl's Moving Castle'. The film sees the Japanese director's magic hit London and beyond as the city's most iconic buildings conjugate to form the film's iconic 'castle'.