Creative in association withGear Seven

Blammo Worldwide and Fallsview Casino Ask: Need Some Fun?

Titled “Treadmill”, the first commercial in the campaign launched this week


Everyone has been there before. Whether it’s a fall, a misunderstanding or the dreaded awkward moment, we’ve all found ourselves in the kind of tricky situation that only a sudden influx of fun can save. These relatable life moments inspired the latest campaign from Fallsview Casino Resort called “Need some fun?” created and produced by Blammo Worldwide. 
“Instead of the expected imagery of people exalting in a casino victory, this campaign continues to tell the Fallsview story in a completely fresh way. We wanted the creative to be as entertaining as the Fallsview experience itself.” says Andrew Simon, Partner and Chief Creative Officer at Blammo Worldwide. 
Larry Gregson, VP of Marketing at Fallsview Casino Resort adds, “We’ve been able to establish really strong humour-based campaigns using relatable scenarios which people respond incredibly well to. Our advertising is extremely important to our audience and Blammo recognizes this, delivering in spades every time.”
Titled “Treadmill”, the first commercial in the campaign launched this week. In this spot, a routine trip to the gym turns into a hilarious misadventure leaving one young guy desperately in need of some fun. Three additional spots are set to run throughout the year.
View “Treadmill” on vimeo:
Client: Fallsview Casino Resort
Creative Agency: Blammo Worldwide, Toronto
Chief Creative Officer: Andrew Simon
Copywriter: Craig Burt
Art Director: Grant Cleland
Agency Producer: Allana Lytle
Account: Kristin Vekteris, Hannah Gourevitch 
Production Company: The Corner Store
Director: Scott Vincent
Executive Producers: Jennie Montford
Line Producer: Marilyn Kastelic
Director of Photography: Marc LaLiberte Else
Editorial: Posterboy Edit
Editor: Griff Henderson/Danica Pardo
Sound Design: Chris Tait, Pirate
Online: The Vanity
Online Artist: Sean Cochrane
Transfer: Wade Odlum