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BIMA Urges Agencies to Sign Up for 'Digital Day'

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
London, UK
Nationwide initiative aims to introduce children to careers in digital

BIMA (the British Interactive Media Association) is urging agencies to sign up for Digital Day, a nationwide initiative that bridges the gap between young people and the digital industry. Digital Day (or D-Day for short) takes place on Wednesday 8th October in schools across the country. 

Digital Day aims to inspire the next generation of digital talent, against the backdrop of a growing digital skills shortage in the UK. A recent report commissioned by O2 estimates that the UK will need 750,000 more digitally-skilled workers in its economy by 2017, to capitalise on an estimated £12 billion opportunity. On Digital Day, digital professionals from agencies around the country go back to school, giving participating students insight into life in the industry, before using specially-created resources to facilitate a workshop on digital design, mobile apps, social media or web development. The ideas developed by the schools are then entered into a nationwide Digital Day competition, with the winning team crowned as Digital Day Grand Prix winners.

At last year’s event, 4,000 students from 100 schools across the UK got the chance to work with mentors from 100 of the UK’s leading digital agencies, including DigitasLBi, SapientNitro, Amaze, Redweb and POSSIBLE. A survey conducted by digital marketing and technology consultancy Amaze in conjunction with BIMA found that 87% of young people participating in D-Day 2013 were now more likely to consider a career in digital.

Agencies including iCrossing, DigitasLBi, Zone, Freestyle Interactive and e3 are already signed up to take part this year, but BIMA is still looking for more agencies to be matched up with schools, particularly those based in London, the North West and the Midlands.

Agencies and schools who are interested in participating in Digital Day 2014 should sign up via the BIMA D-Day website. BIMA will match agencies with schools in the same area and provide resources and guidance.

Andrew Henning, CEO at Redweb said: “With an estimated 750,000 additional digitally-skilled workers needed in the UK by 2017, we must do more to inspire young people to explore the opportunities available in this dynamic industry. Our research shows that Digital Day has a real impact on young people’s consideration of a career in digital, so it’s vital that we get plenty of leading agencies on board this year.” 

Bridget Beale, Managing Director at BIMA said: “As champions of the British digital industry, one of BIMA’s key aims is to encourage more young people to consider digital as a career choice, and Digital Day is a great way to do this. What’s more, taking part is a massively rewarding experience for the agency mentors, too. We hope to get lots more agencies signing up to take part in this fantastic initiative.”