Creative in association withGear Seven

Bestads Six of the Best Reviewed by Freelancer Adrian Flores

Sydney, Australia
This week's guest judge is Adrian Flores, a freelance creative director based in New York

Each week, Bestads picks the very best advertising in the world, in every medium – which is reviewed by a top creative director or team to select their own personal favouritesThis week's guest judge is Adrian Flores, a freelance creative director based in New York.


Winner: Rustler's Burger 'Little Red Riding Hood'. With so many brands forever trying to out worthy each other, sometimes you just crave a bit of telly that's pure dumb fun designed to put a smile on your face. A simple idea that's beautifully crafted and delightfully weird but won't confuse your nan. Wish I'd done it.

Worthwhile mention: Pornhub 'Not my job'. Personally, I never trust a creative who hasn't pitched a PornHub activation and/or partnership. Not their best work, but gotta admire the ambition here. Though it does lag in parts and doesn't land the reveal very well, it kept me watching to see where they were going to go next. Looks like it was a lot of fun to make.

Winner: Beatnik & Sons 'The Memory Expedition'. All the other choices in this category seemed to have forgotten that we're in the business of grabbing people's attention. Odd enough to make me stop and look, I was left a little confused, but intrigued enough to want to know more. Kudos to them for getting something so unconventional sold.

Worthwhile mention: I was trying to figure out which of the other options I should settle for as our runner up, but then thought of the group chat roastings I'd get for big upping something so middle of the road. So instead I've decide to stay true to my personal brand and hate on them all. No runner up this week.

Winner: SangSom 'PORTFUNLIO Matching Art Game'. An arty rum brand tapping local artist to create a drinking game designed to make lockdown session more fun, what's not to love? Nice and pretty, looks like something you'd want to get your hands on.

Worthwhile mention: Herald Sun 'Love Letters With a Word Count'. Their parochial Boomer readers will love it, but I'm confused as to why they chose to stick 30 word stories on a billboard campaign, gonna be hard to take it all in from the car, no?

Winner: Wacoal Thailand 'Ready-To-Go Uniform'. Helping teens be rebellious seems like a no brainer. Smart twist of a simple human truth, and delivered with some great little extensions that give the campaign some good flex.

Worthwhile mention: Project Uni-form. I guess school uniforms are a big topic in Asia? Nice and bright execution, I'm guessing the cause is more clearly promoted in the copy than the visuals.
