In-house marketing agencies are proving to be invaluable at a time when moving, reacting and bringing solutions to the marketplace quickly, has never been more urgent. To provide an up-close look at how today’s successful inhouse agencies are working, consultancy BeenThereDoneThat is hosting a webinar on Thursday, May 21st at 11am EST featuring a panel of four expert marketers.
The panel is headlined by leaders at two of the largest in-house agency’s – Jack Tauber, MD and creative leader at PwC, and Mike Fischer, CMO of the Studio, Coldwell Banker. Moderating the conversation is Teresa Herd, managing partner, HUB Inside Out and formerly in-house creative leader at Zillow, Intel and Staples. And joining the conversation on the agency side is Lee Roth, North American director at BeenThereDoneThat who has sat on both the marketing side at Coca-Cola and PayPal, as well as the agency side at Ogilvy and Wieden + Kennedy.
Among the topics that will be discussed are the different inhouse models being put in place, how these inhouse teams work within the organisation, how they are able to attract talent, and how they leverage outside strategic and creative resources.
“Having inhouse capabilities allows companies to move faster and more efficiently,” explained David Alberts, chairman and co-founder of BTDT. “But to ensure they build on those strengths, they require injections of outside strategic and creative thinking to enhance their performance.”
The webinar was designed to leverage the insight and experience of proven marketing leaders to share their perspectives and advice on ways to structure, support and get the most from an in-house agency. The webinar is being offered free of charge. To register visit here.