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APA Calls for Ad Industry to “Pull even Closer Together”

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
London, UK
The Advertising Producers Association and Advertising Association of the UK stressed the crucial need to support the production sector’s many self-employed workers as the Covid-19 outbreak develops
The UK’s Advertising Producers Association today calls for the advertising industry to pull together in order to help protect jobs and the wider economy during the coronavirus outbreak. 

A statement issued alongside the Advertising Association read: “According to the Creative Industry Councils, advertising contributes £120 billion to the UK economy. Whilst government statistics indicate there are 499,000 advertising and marketing jobs in the UK creative economy – a substantial number of which are self-employed or freelancers.
“As the virus continues to spread and offices begin to close, brands will invariably begin cutting back in various areas, including their ad spending. But there is a significant amount of research showing brands who spend more in a crisis see the best return on their investment.
“The economic importance is clear, but there are further implications specific to the production sector. Many of the people working on productions, from runners, to set designers and even directors are self-employed. The cancelling or delay of advertising productions will hit these people with significant cashflow problems. They are the lifeblood of the industry and it is critical we support them.
“The APA of course understands there are going to be many difficulties arising from the Coronavirus outbreak. Already many productions are being postponed, but now is the time for brands, agencies and production companies to work as closely as possible in order to prepare for when business picks up again. Creative development, pitching, bidding jobs, effectively getting everything prepared for such time as when everyone feels comfortable to be in production can continue during this time. It means we can hit the ground running when the opportunity arises and continue to provide employment for as many people as possible.
“There is no legitimate reason for this not to be the case. Technology means the workforce is more dispersed than ever. Remote working is a norm for many in our industry, which will help limit the impact office closures and travel restrictions could cause.
“Productions may stop, but it does not have to mean planning, preparing and still working hard must cease as well.
“There are still good solutions available at the moment too, with animation companies and VFX companies being able to create new material and with remote working already in effect, so the virus won’t affect their ability to work.”
Stephen Woodford, chief executive of the Advertising Association, said: “We know from years of research that advertising is a proven engine of the economy, particularly so, during times of a downturn. Those businesses that invest in their brands during this period of uncertainty, making sure they remain visible to their customers through advertising, will emerge strongest. Our world-class advertising sector, with its unique combination of creative, strategic and production capabilities, is ready to provide all the support that UK and international brands need.”
Jani Guest, APA council member and MD of Independent Films, said: “Our job of providing content for brands is a cumulation of work carried out over a period of weeks, all of which is done remotely, prior to shooting on location or in studio. We have the technology to ensure that suspended productions can be re-mounted with minimal disruption. Our production companies and their teams want and need to continue to work regardless of whether they are based out of an office or their home. That is why we feel it is important to communicate to advertisers that we are more than willing to work with them, through what is a challenging time for all of us. Brands will benefit both through their return on investment as well as helping maintain a healthy, world leading production industry.”

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