AICP, until now also known as The Association of Independent Commercial Producers, has teamed up with production and animation company, the STUDIO, to create an animation that coincides with a rebranding effort. The animation, first seen at AICP Week’s Base Camp, marks the premiere of the new logo.
Mary Nittolo, Founder and CCO of the STUDIO, comments: “The essential function of human community is to arrive at some agreement on what we need, what we want to be and what we would like the next generation to learn. The AICP has signified community by embodying that and by realising that listening is also an act of community; one which understands collective interest, anticipating change, and the appropriate moment to speak. This year the AICP has undergone a rebranding to signify the change in the community they serve.”
Matt Miller, President and CEO of AICP, adds: “As we prepare for the future, we felt that it was important that we have an identity that signifies strength and a renewed commitment of resolve for our community. As of June 5th, the starting day of 2017 AICP Week, our new identity will simply be: AICP. As ‘AICP’ continues to stand for all of the important things that we do, we will also use the tagline ‘where communications meet craft’ as a descriptor of the special place we hold in the industries we serve. We will see our new identity in many forms and on display thanks to the creativity of many of our members and partners: Brian Collins of brand consultancy Collins (new identity/design), Trollbäck+Company (titles for the AICP Show and animated articulation) and the STUDIO (Base Camp graphics).”
the STUDIO has a long history of creating the animations and graphics for Base Camp and this year is no exception. The animated graphics focus on the new logo and the journey that took place to reach such a bold design. Mary Nittolo comments: “Our approach plays with the design’s abstraction of the letters into basic geometric shapes. Since AICP embodies a place where our industry’s essential stories are being created and told, we thought it important to allude to AICP Week’s ultimate destination at MoMA. As in previous years, we start and end with inspiration from an artist. In previous years, it has been Richard Serra and James Turrell. This year, the bold form, cubist abstraction and pattern of Fernand Leger were a definite source of inspiration, particularly the black and white abstractions.”
Further commenting on the process and story behind the campaign, designer Alison Abitbol, adds: “The animation we created is a representation of the journey and progress of art. We start with simple lines that become shapes, and transform into 3D objects. As the animation unfolds, the camera pivots and the logo transforms into abstract modern shapes.”
The animations will accompany Base Camp, a series of industry discussions that takes place between June 5th – June 7th to kick off AICP week.