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AD STARS Announces Rebrand to MAD STARS

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
Busan, South Korea
MAD is an acronym for Marketing, Advertising and Digital contents

AD STARS announced a rebrand, changing its name from ‘AD STARS’ to ‘MAD STARS’. MAD is an acronym for Marketing, Advertising and Digital contents.

Paul Conversy awards manager at AD STARS said, “it’s an exciting new name because it reflects the more multidisciplinary approach the industry is taking. With advertisers already embracing marketing and digital solutions, it’s only natural that our creativity awards show should reflect that change in its name.”

Mr. Hwan Jin Choi, chairperson of MAD STARS added, “it’s always been our belief that extraordinary ideas, those that seem mad at first, can and will change the world, so we’re embracing the mad adjective and acronym”. 

Amongst the additional novelties at MAD STARS 2022, a business matching program named ‘Global Business Market’ will also be introduced, the aim is to help identify and connect companies who have the potential to collaborate together. 

Additionally MAD STARS ‘Global MAD Academy’ will be expanded further. The Global MAD Academy is MAD STARS’ educational program for junior professionals and university students in the marketing and creative industry. Furthermore Philip Kotler, often referred to as the godfather of marketing will participate as a keynote speaker at the conference. 

MAD STARS will be held simultaneously offline at the BEXCO conference centre in Busan, South Korea and online on the MAD STARS website. The event will take place for three days from August 25th (KST) until August 27th. The theme of this year’s festival is ‘MAD (Find extraordinary ideas to change the world)’.

Work from Mad Stars