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Action, Not Words: Publicis Groupe Bolsters Support for Staff as India's Covid Crisis Deepens

Advertising Agency
Paris, France
The network has enhanced health and safety measures to ensure staff’s wellbeing is at the forefront during a trying period, writes LBB’s Natasha Patel

The current Covid-19 crisis in India has taken a turn for the worst with news reports detailing the devastating effects the pandemic is having on locals across the country’s 29 states. With various local lockdowns and working from home enforced there’s no telling how the creative industry will fare as time goes on.

However, one thing is for sure, this is the time for agencies to act to ensure staff are reassured that their safety is paramount. Arthur Sadoun, CEO of Publicis Worldwide, has set out what the team in India are doing to protect employees in the Groupe’s offices in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore.

An internal memo to the 17,000 employees of Publicis Groupe in India outlines a range of measures and shares a message of empathy and support.: “As India continues to suffer from the deadly second wave of the pandemic, I wanted to reach out to all of you there, all 17000 members of the Publicis family. My thoughts and best wishes are with each of you, and I’d like to send my heartfelt condolences to those who have lost loved ones. At this critical time, we know you need action, not words.”

Any staff who fall ill will be given 24-hour access to a doctor, health insurance will be covering sick leave and any Covid treatment required and should employees need somewhere to quarantine hotels and accommodation will be provided.

At the start of May, India is opening up vaccinations to all over the age or 18. Arthur explains that the holding company has made it easier for employees in India and their family to access vaccinations. “Our task force has contracted with a number of healthcare providers. This will allow all of you and your dependents to gain better access to a large network of hospitals and healthcare facilities across India, so that you can more easily find a location near you to get vaccinated when vaccination for your age class starts.” The Groupe is also covering costs of vaccines for employees and their dependents.

Perhaps a hidden part of this pandemic is the affect it has on mental health. While physical ailments are easier to spot, the harrowing affects on people’s minds can be just as devastating. Publicis Groupe have introduced the Community Channel, ‘a platform for you to share information, and help, and a support line that is monitored 24/7.’ Arthur ends his impassioned statement to those living and working in India with: ‘The courage and solidarity you have shown in these dark days has been truly outstanding, and will be more vital than ever in the weeks to come. But you are not alone, and you can count on the full mobilization of the Groupe as we face this battle together.’

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