Having an audience is only meaningful if you have credibility established with them. If you have content to share, or an idea to express, it is only valid if your audience finds you a credible source. Here are some ways to help build credibility with your audience:
Stick to Your Message and Purpose
When curating your social media content it is important to stay true to your branding and purpose. When making a post, consider asking yourself questions such as “how does this reflect who I am and my brand?”.
Be Modest
Bragging about your accomplishments to everyone does not make your brand credible. You don’t need to underestimate your brand, but it is okay to downplay the way you present your brand. Bragging often can just have the people around you feeling inferior. Don’t be shy to acknowledge your accomplishments, but do so in a gracious way.
Be Genuine
Truly genuine brands tend to be more valued because they care less about being appealing and impressive, and care more about providing quality content. We are more likely to believe who is true to themselves and their message because they are more honest. These factors all tie back into credibility.
Build Your Network
Credibility is built by how others see you. The more people develop a positive perception of you, the more word-of-mouth will spread. A strong network will endorse your skills and expertise and act as a testimonial for others that do not know you yet. A great way to build your network is by partnering with other brands that are in similar industries, or ones that align with a particular piece of content or promotional plan you’re putting together.
Be Active and Consistent
You will need to regularly be posting content, and creating content for future use. When it comes to social media, chances are you probably use multiple platforms, and it is important to be active on all of them. For example, a clothing brand is likely shooting their Fall content in the Summer so they are prepared for the months to come.
Create Useful Content
When thinking about content ideas, take into consideration what your audience may need to know. This includes tips, tricks and maybe even life hacks. Create purposeful content that adds value to their life. For example, say you’re a physiotherapist. Sharing easy at home exercises to help with body mobility would be a great place to start.
Be Accountable
When something does not go as planned, do not hide it. Being transparent with your audience will establish trust. Take responsibility for your actions, and by means of social media, apologise to your audience. A true apology comes with action and a simple social media post often is not enough, these actions need to be ingrained in the company.
Start Building Social Media Credibility
When it comes to sharing a message or an idea, it is only as valid as people find you credible. Following the guidelines listed above will assist you in building your credibility with your audience and building your network for your brand. Learn the ins and outs of social media through our 6 week training program!