People in association withLBB Pro

5N30 Ep 9: Life Lessons from Taras Wayner, Terri Meyer, and Rafael Rizuto

Production Company
Los Angeles, USA
Leaders from Wunderman Thompson, Terri & Sandy, and BBH USA join Great Guns USA’s Oliver Fuselier and LBB’s Phoebe Siggins for ninth episode of the series

Great Guns USA and LBB are back for the ninth installment of 5N30, the panel series that celebrates the creative spirit of the industry - and the personalities that keep it moving forward. Focusing on anything but advertising, this week’s panel touches on everything from the importance of empathetic leadership, to making the perfect pizza. 

Joining Great Guns USA’s MD Oliver Fuselier and LBB’s chief operating officer Phoebe Siggins this week are Taras Wayner, chief creative officer, NA at Wunderman Thompson; Terri Meyer, co-founder and CEO of Terri & Sandy; and Rafael Rizuto, chief creative officer at BBH USA. 

The panelists share their most inspiring and annoying words of the last year, the things they’re really bad at but enjoy, and lessons from their parents that continue to inspire them today. On top of this, they reflect on the influence of empathy and vulnerability on their roles as leaders, the importance of mentorship throughout their careers, and if there’s a particular saying that encompasses their thoughts and philosophies. 

To round off the discussion, we also hear what Taras, Terri, and Rafael would tell their 10-year-old selves...