CSD Germany - The Pride Packtivation
Advertising Agency
Hamburg, Germany
Agency / Creative
Music / Sound

In 2020, the LGBTQIAP+ community faced an unprecedented challenge. Pride parades across the globe had to be cancelled. To ensure visibility for the community anyway, we teamed up with CSD Germany and turned GAY PRIDE into #STAYPRIDE – a digital protest from the safety of your bed that took place on Instagram. For the perfect Bed-In backdrop, we even designed a limited bed linen collection: The Christopher Sheets.
But one thing was still missing: A matching protest sign.

The solution was simple: We developed a packaging for the Christopher Sheets that turns into a complete LGBTQIAP+ demonstration kit including a stable protest sign.

The box is a homage to Pride street protests and the diversity of the LGBTQIAP+ community. From the outside, the box seemed to be made of nothing more than corrugated cardboard and some tape branded with the StayPride manifesto. But upon opening, a first look into the box revealed a colorful surprise:

Numerous Pride flags from non-binary to intersex, every group was represented.
Then, with a few cuts and kinks, the fully recyclable box could be disassembled into a large protest sign and the pre-cut flags which could be used to design your message. As well as their backsides, which served a double function as stencils for statements. Two roles of enclosed Pride tape completed the kit. Eventually, not a single part of the packaging was useless – each little bit had its task.

Our box was sent to selected supporters and influencers contactless to kick start the #STAYPRIDE initiative and inspire others to join the digital parade.
With a response rate of 57%, an encouragingly large number of people came on board unpaid – and helped get an initiative going that was joined by countless people around the world.
That way, a simple shipping box became an integral part of a protest movement.