PAK'nSAVE - Meat Hijack
Advertising Agency
Auckland, New Zealand
Agency / Creative

Meat Hijack 

You probably haven’t have heard of Stickman, but every New Zealander has. For over 14 years he has been the frontman of PAK'nSAVE, New Zealand’s low-cost supermarket chain. He and his low budget ads were created to help keep PAK’nSAVE’s advertising costs down and it’s a role Stickman takes very seriously. Last year he came up with a very smart way to get radio ads for free. 

The Rock FM is a nationwide radio station. From Monday to Friday during The Morning Rumble, the breakfast show on The Rock, they play the Quick Cashie competition, where they award callers money for the stories they share live on air. Stickman saw the chance for free airtime for PAK'nSAVE’s Meat Week so he called in every morning, much to the announcer’s frustration. 

Meat Week is the most recalled theme week for PAK’nSAVE, and has consistently given Kiwis deals since 2011. It’s a well-loved retail tactic for deals, in a category where people feel they pay too much.

However, the competition have started to copy it so Stickman needed a new way to cut through the noise and own the event again. 

Meat Hijack did the business. This cheeky new take on a radio campaign reached 23% of The Rock’s 421,000 weekly listeners and even though one of the DJ’s told him to F*** off live on air PAK'nSAVE had its most successful Meat Week ever, with sales increasing by 10.8%.

Once again Stickman helped more Kiwis bring home the bacon during Meat Week by reminding them in a completely unique and memorable way that PAK’nSAVE will do anything to keeps its advertising costs down.