Fine Hygienic Holding - Waste Can Mask Our Future
Advertising Agency
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Agency / Creative

Problem: The quest to fight Covid-19 unearthed a much bigger problem: single-use disposable face masks. “Discarded masks and gloves will not only pollute the land and be a threat to our wildlife, it will also fill up our water bodies and put aquatic life at risk.” - Habiba Al Marashi, Emirates Environmental Group “With a lifespan of 450 years, these masks are an ecological timebomb.” – The Guardian. Did you know that they don’t degrade and that hundreds of thousands of them are disposed of around the world every day, damaging our planet? This “ecological timebomb” begged the question: when Covid-19 ends, and it will, what kind of planet will be left behind? 

Solution: We needed to show the world that while we have to wear face masks, we need to have our eyes open to what is happening to our planet. Because if we don’t start to protect our planet today, there will be nothing left to return to. 

Execution: And with this revelation, a campaign for Fine Reusable Masks was born – one that quite literally pointed out the blinding repercussions of disposable mask waste if we are not careful. Through a provocative headline and haunting visual, we unveiled the truth about the environmental impact of disposable masks, and proposed a solution: reusable, washable FINE masks that give you protection from COVID-19, and protect the planet from non-recyclable waste. From print and posters, to an extensive social roll out and content films, the campaign peaked with a special film for World Oceans Day that reeled in massive awareness and pledges across the country. The campaign’s bold message was a sure magnet and gained traction in local and international publications, and also got picked up by admired environmental platforms. But most importantly, it sent a bolt of consciousness through the online world to keep ourselves AND the planet, safe! Because, even though you are protected today, you need to protect tomorrow.