Banco Santander - Fieeld
Advertising Agency
Barcelona, Spain
Agency / Creative

There are 280 million visually impaired people in the world, and of course many of them are fans of the beautiful game. Football. A blind person can feel the emotion of a football match, but, until now, he was only able to imagine what was happening on the pitch. Under the concept Football can (do everything) we tried to bring blind people closer to the full experience of watching a football match. We created Fieeld. The first tactile broadcasting system.

The device was created with a sliding element that replicates what the ball does on the pitch. The movement of this element is easily detectable by the touch on a fabric surface that emulates the field, and synchronizes with the audio broadcasted, making it possible for the blind person to follow the sporting event.

We introduced the device to Nickollas Grecco, a Palmeiras fan who was born blind. In every game, his mother helps him to follow the game. We told the world his story, his passion, and we changed his way of seeing his beloved sport. His story was seen in TV, Social Media and some Libertadores Assets owned by Santander.

The challenge was to bring blind people closer to the full experience of watching a football match. We needed to make a device with a simple design, easy to use and focused in two of the most important sense for a blind people; touch and sound. We did it with the idea that the device could be use in all the football events and why not, in the future, use this technology with other sports.

This campaign is designed to change how blind people watch sports. It´s a long term impact campaign. Even though, we have some wonderful data: More than 140 million reach and 22.9 MM views. More than 300 earn media, with 7,5 MM euros value. More than 24 countries reached between Europe and LATAM. An engagement rate of 1.9. Best share of voice in social media between every Libertadores sponsor. Santander is, nowadays, the leader brand in LATAM football.