MIND - Crowns & Owls: WIT H IN
Post Production
London, United Kingdom
Post Production / VFX

Crowns & Owls shed some light on mental health in collaboration with MIND.

Director and photography trio, Crowns & Owls, have debuted ‘WIT H IN’, the stunning new short film and photography project in collaboration with mental health charity, MIND.

The project, which raises awareness of anxiety and depression within men, aims to break the silence, destigmatising mental health issues and the public shame that is associated with them. Each year, at least 25% of the UK population experience mental health issues, and the film and photography portrays the emotional journey within the body of a young man in turmoil that may resonate with many viewers.

Producer on the job, Hannah Whitehill, comments, ‘It’s always great to work with Crowns & Owls and this project was so important we couldn’t pass it up. The film is so beautiful and the message is a really profound one – I hope it reaches everyone who needs it.’ 

Colourist Jonny Tully adds, ‘It was great to work on a film for such a brilliant charity. It's an incredibly personal project for Crowns & Owls and they put everything into it which really shows. The film was shot on 35mm and then scanned at 4k so we had beautiful material to work with. For references in the grade we looked at the photography the film accompanies and found a good balance for the look and feel of the piece The guys have done a great job of raising both awareness and money for Mind and for mental health in general. The project has had a great response already and I hope it does as well as we all want it to.’