Design Studio
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Agency / Creative


Today’s healthcare systems have been built around data that to a large degree has been shaped and collected by men, leading to systemic blindness in the experiences and needs of women. Knowledge gaps in women’s health have contributed to poor health outcomes for women across the world. 

Short Term Objectives: 

  1. Raise awareness about the existing knowledge gaps in health and the consequences for women, to elevate the global agenda around Women’s Health inequalities. 
  2. Through partnerships and engaging audiences, generate interest and attention around challenging conversations and take first steps to address the knowledge gaps in Women’s health. 
  3. Leverage the attention gained to highlight Roche’s role in this space.
  4. Build our community and audience. (Roche has only done very limited public-facing/public-targeted campaigns.)

Long Term Goal:
A three-year programme to generate tangible, systemic change addressing inequalities faced by women through transformative partnerships. Enhance Roche’s reputation as a leading voice in Women’s Health in support of their commitment to transforming healthcare and their mission of doing now what patients need next.


Roche set out to create a campaign to speak to their long-term commitment to women’s health. To create awareness and to stir conversations around health inequity. But, over one year, the campaign has moved far beyond a conversation. It has become a catalyst for a fast-growing community of determined change-makers, and new partners, all working together to close the gaps in female health.

What started as a campaign has become a movement. 

This is an ongoing campaign, and currently we have only completed the first phase. This has been the implementation and approach to date: We created our XProject "Hub" — our campaign site. This is where you can find out more about what Roche and partners do to interrogate the knowledge gap and improve women's health. All our campaign efforts drive our audience to this hub. 

We started by posting #NotSoFunFacts on social media - a collection of statistics, that makes the issue of the knowledge gap glaringly obvious. Once our facts caught our audience's attention, we then followed up with a powerful film, supported by various cutdowns to explain why the knowledge gap exists, and why there is a need for XProject. It used filmic scenes, speaking to the underlying issues such as a lack of research and funding for women's health, a greater risk of misdiagnosis and longer waiting times for women, as well as the broader issue around men being treated as "the default human". #NotSoFunFacts set the scene, and the film told a bigger story. Our call to action was for women to share their own experiences and stories with us. With the help of local influencers from various countries, we reached a much wider audience of women, and the stories flooded in. Our community shared personal experiences on our social pages, and over 630 women submitted their health stories to the XProject website, where they were shared and published. This helped us to gather new data that reveals and exposes particular areas of repeated misdiagnoses, dismissal and gender inequity, informing disease areas and women-centered care initiatives that we can focus on next. 


We are reaching a broad public & new audiences:

  • 833 M impressions on social media since 
  • 6.58M* visits to the XProject site (*Calculated based on “Link Clicks” from Sprinklr data)

We are engaging with our audiences, building momentum & shaping the conversation:

  • 24% engagement rate on paid social media (+60% above Roche average)
  • XProject website average time on web pages at 2:20 and 20% bounce rate
  • 28% positive tonality on media resonance analysis
  • 20+ internal teams want to do something about the gaps in women’s health and have started the conversation


And this is translating into real word action, both internally and with the broader community:

  • 20 new potential partnerships with 3 collaborations already under development
  • 630 women shared their health stories with #MyStoryForChange
  • 200 inquiries & conversations sparked with a growing community of determined players
  • And more than +40 affiliates adopting and adapting XProject material, localizing beyond just reusing material and translate XProject into real action around in their region