Hurt People, Hurt People
Advertising Agency
Sandton, South Africa
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX

Gender-based violence in South Africa is at pandemic proportions. With mostly men at the root cause, we questioned what could be done that wasn’t just another awareness campaign.

Research shows more than 75% of men who are abusers, were victims of abuse themselves. Without help, these boys and men grow up with these learned behaviours and trauma, ultimately manifesting in violence against women and children. 

The Hurt People, Hurt People campaign gives boys and men freely available tools, support and counselling needed to deal with their hurt before they hurt others.

While many know of the Western Cape Government’s response efforts to GBV (offering survivors medical help, shelter, etc ) our campaign needed to educate South African men that WCG also provides counselling for boys and men who have been abused themselves.

Our campaign aims to make men realise the abuse they suffered is severe and they should get help – not only for themselves but to safeguard against becoming perpetrators of GBV. We motivated men to visit our website or call our toll-free number for help. Or at the very least, allow introspection on what it means to be masculine and toxic masculinity, before someone else gets hurt.

Our film flighted on national television stations, social media, as well as digital out of home. It was supported by traditional touchpoints i.e. Men’s washrooms, activations, and outdoor.