Monopoly: Ode to Hotheads
Advertising Agency
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Agency / Creative

Monopoly might be the most famous board game of all. Everybody has played it at least once, and in the last 80 years, it hasn’t changed much. Although awareness and consideration are high, the conversion to purchase has lagged. So how to regain relevance amongst parents for a board game with such a prolonged and widely known existence with only a tiny budget?

The one thing that makes Monopoly truly unique and different, is that it causes fights. It might be the only board game that isn’t always fun and games. We initiated research that shows 8 out of 10 people fight during a game of Monopoly. With a small local OOH campaign and a smart PR approach we were able to show parents all over the world that fighting over Monopoly is actually a good thing. It can teach you a lot about how you express your emotions, cope with losing and how you deal with disappointments. 

We photographed children getting frustrated and angry during a game of Monopoly with their family, while simultaneously describing what lesson can be learned from it. The images were displayed on the real streets found on the Dutch Monopoly board game, such as Kalverstraat, Neude, and Coolsingel, as well as online. The combination of recognizable images (we all cried during Monopoly at least once), the honesty of Monopoly about this, and positive life lessons that can be learned from these setbacks, proved to hit the right nerve in our somehow over protective society.