AMNRDAC (Asociación Mexicana de Niños Robados y Desaparecidos A.C.) - Cuartos Vacíos
Advertising Agency
Mexico City, Mexico
Agency / Creative

A PR strategy was developed to raise awareness to the general society by making visible a problem as serious as the disappearance of women in Mexico, which today is up to 10 women per day.

Since we did not have a budget to pay for a media campaign, we decided to launch a campaign that would have an impact, reaching everyone who had the economic capacity to donate at least 10 pesos and to spread the word about the empty rooms.

We "hacked" multiple real estate rental platforms simply by the uploading photos of the empty rooms of missing women. Symbolically, the rooms were put up for rent, with a low rental rate to draw attention, and within the publication, we explained that the rooms belonged to missing woman.

We created a microsite for the idea that explained the problem and delved into each individual case; and we invited people to donate and/or learn more about the foundation's work. The foundation used its own social media accounts (FB, IG, and Twitter) to echo the cases and the idea.

Great media coverage was achieved. The story was started by influencers who told how they had come across rooms for rent of missing women and the shock it had caused them.

Then, the most important mass media channels in the country came and dedicated not only mentions in their programs but entire sections where the problem and the idea were discussed. This prompted a total airtime of 24 minutes on open TV, and 71,407,211 impressions. In addition to obtaining the following reach through RRSS.

On YouTube the case has 124,478 views.

The site has 90K unique visitors, 105K visits, and more than 1.1M page views internally.

On Tik Tok, the numbers using the #cuartosvacíos are the following: 1.4 million views, 12.5 million videos created. 76% Engagement Rate and 1098 comments.

On Twitter with the #habitacionesdedesaparecidas and cuartosvacíos, from April 21 to 25, the positive sentiment was 96.9%, with 182 reach tweets, a reach of 8,271,957, 10,573,331 impressions and 8,253 RT'S. Finishing with 28,131 total favorites

However, the most meaningful result was that after only 22 days of launching the campaign, several investigation files were reactivated. This resulted in one of the missing women victim being found and brought back to her family. In addition to this ROI, the PR value was US $372,560.00, direct donations were obtained for the families, and an entire society was made aware of the importance of disseminating the cases of disappeared victims.