Pride In London - All Our Pride
Production Company
London, UK
Agency / Creative

With Pride in London taking place on the 2nd of July this year, Bullion had the honour of producing the landmark ‘AllOurPride’ campaign film. Created in partnership with the LGBTQIA+ led team behind WPP Unite, the campaign commemorates the 50th anniversary of the original march in the UK by uniting the collective past, present, and future of pride from every corner of the LGBT+ community, culminating with a powerful statement of shared experience: #AllOurPride.

Bullion director Dionne Edwards was at the helm of the project, directing a film to capture the warmth, euphoria and comradery that emphasises the sentiment of ‘AllOurPride’.

Having attended marches herself since her teens, Dionne sought to display the glorious diversity of the LGBTQIA+ community to inspire people to march.

Dionne can be heard in the ‘Making Of’ Film (that can be viewed below) stating that what attracted her to the project was ‘looking at the past and trying to link that with the present’. Edwards sought to do this through the people she included, both in front of and behind the camera.

Archive footage of pride marches is interspersed with modern portraits of the queer community to place the current reality of being LGBTQIA+ within the larger struggle. Looking back enables the community to look forward with a sense of both understanding and celebration.

At the heart of this film was the intention to use an all LGBTQIA+ cast and crew. This intention was set by Bullion and WPP Unite and was successfully achieved. This was crucial to all involved, that not only the film be representative of the community, but that the people both in front of and behind the lens also be showcasing the talents of the diverse LGBTQIA+ community. The ‘Making Of’ film features some of the very talented crew who helped the final campaign film to come to life.