Honda - Style in Motion
Creative Production Studio
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX

From the outset, when we were approached by Dentsu ME to bring to life this style in motion idea it was very clear that we all wanted to see something very different. As we developed the treatment, it became very apparent that this needed to be a high fashion film while still keeping the HRV in the spotlight. The client wanted to see the car as it has never been seen before. The images needed to be premium, like what one seen in BMW and Mercedes ads fused together with haute couture.

Once the narrative was agreed upon, it was important to find a location where we could drive the car slowly so that the fashion models could react with it - in a controlled environment. Reflections were an integral part of the visual treatment. Finding new locations in Dubai is never easy, and location scouting was a big part of the process in pre-production, as every frame was very carefully planned.

We decided to get one of the best couture designers, Michael Cinco, involved and his larger-than-life designs elevated the visuals to new heights.

One of the key aspects to a car commercial is to bring a strong connect with the audience. No matter how beautiful the images are, if there is no emotion, you end up with an editorial of pretty postcard images. Emotion becomes the number one aesthetic. So, the secret is to unfold the story bit by bit, giving the audience a chance to use their imagination and thus getting them involved.

Reflections bring on a whole new dimension to visual storytelling, especially when it comes to cars. The locations we picked were a perfect fit for our stage. It is very difficult to fake reflections and the only successful way, is when the location lends its self effortlessly to support you.

The general audience had goosebumps when they saw the film, but the most important thing is if the films achieved their marketing goals. And in this case, it was a phenomenal success story and Honda actually sold more HR-V's than they expected to -  To the point that they actually ran out of stock.