AIA Insurance - All or Something
Creative Agency
Cremorne, Australia
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

Most of us take an all-or-nothing approach to our health. We’re either on a crash diet, or we’re crashing on the couch polishing off a share pack of Doritos.

But science-backed research from Australian health and life insurer, AIA, has shown that this all-or-nothing mindset isn't effective in the long run. In fact, being consistently 'good' is far better than being occasionally 'perfect'.

We set out to relaunch the brand with this motivating new mindset, evolving AIA's existing 'small steps to a healthier you’ platform into a relatable campaign featuring new ambassadors Ash Barty and Stephanie Gilmore. With a new kind of catch cry.

‘All or Something’ replaced Aussies’ old school attitude with one that actually works. So, when you feel like you can’t ‘just do it’ – just do a little something. Swap every second beer for water. Save the next episode for tomorrow night. No time for a walk? Try half a walk.

We launched All or Something with a cheeky TVC starring Barty and Gilmore, as they coached an everyday Aussie through his small ‘somethings’. Then, the two sporting legends turned their attention to the rest of the country.

The integrated campaign came to life in contextual OOH, social, digital and editorial, giving Aussies a rare opportunity to be coached by two of the world’s best athletes—right when they needed them. There was Ash on your phone when you woke up, cheering you on for not hitting snooze, or Stephanie encouraging you to take a mindful breath during peak hour traffic.

Barty and Gilmore's forgiving attitude was a refreshing break from the harsh mentality of other elite athletes and their 'go hard or go home' manifestos. Alongside our two new coaches, AIA are continuing to engage their many other Ambassadors to promote the All or Something mindset through PR events, social media and the AIA Vitality Content Hub.

We installed All or Something into the Australian vernacular as a memorable phrase that inspires real—and sustainable—change, witnessing its positive effects even before the campaign went live. From our internal teams, to production partners and Ambassadors, everyone immediately started noticing those All or Something moments in their own lives.

This has resulted in:
- 22M in Earned Reach Online
- +245% Unique Content Hub Visitors

Plus, AIA Vitality Member Engagement Increased:
- 1.1M online health assessments

- 2.6M workouts in partner gyms
- 28K BMI readings captured

All or Something has shifted perceptions of AIA as a mere insurer, to a credible thought leader in the health and wellness space, who genuinely cares about Australians’ health and wellbeing. What's more, this small word swap has kicked off a lasting behavioural shift, encouraging Aussies to take small steps every day towards a healthier, longer, better life.