Tuft&Needle - Q&A: A card Game About THIS & THAT
Media Agency
Toronto, Canada
Agency / Creative
Production Service

In the Summer of 2020, we helped Serta Simmons Canada launch an exciting new mattress brand into an already over-saturated bed-in-a-box market.

Although Tuft & Needle had been around a long time in the US, they had no recognition in Canada. So we needed to make a quick splash.

And we did, using the client’s actual ampersand from their wordmark, a collaboration with a young recording artist’s new single, some fun editing and art direction, and a whole bunch of cultural references.

The idea was that with Tuft & Needle, you didn’t need to choose between comfort or affordability, you could actually have both. You could have this & that. 

With this fresh work, we shot T&N from nothing to 4th out of 20 Direct-To-Consumer competitors in purchase intent for mattress brands. And we did it using a jaw-dropping 0.01% of what our competitors spent in 2020 alone. 

After that fast start we needed to follow up, and keep the momentum going. We needed to get the product and the brand name out from being hidden under the sheets. Literally. 

So, we created a real-life card game, called Q&A, A Card Game About This & That, which asked questions of teams, the fun correct answers to which are always two words, separated by-you guessed it-an ampersand. Bonnie & Clyde, JayZ & Beyonce, and Black & Blue. It was given away as a Gift-With-Purchase spiff and continued to drive purchase intent and sales. 

The fun family Q&A game was designed with the same proportions and aesthetic as the actual bed product and helped take the brand from the bedroom to the kitchen table. 

Visual: Hero shot of the game/box.

And during a once-in-a-lifetime, historic stay-at-home era, that can only be a good thing.