Save One Person - Angel’s Souls
Advertising Agency
Düsseldorf, Germany
Agency / Creative
Music / Sound

According to The Guardian, the Playstation 5 launch had 26 times more news coverage than 10 humanitarian causes combined in 2020. In the meantime, the World Health Organization announced that recent organ donations correspond to less than 10% of the global need. Save One Person is a NYC based organization that connects living organ donors to patients waiting for a transplant by an app, and it knows how big the gaming community is. And most important: how united and caring they also are. So Save One Person decided to jump on that hype and created a unique stunt using the game Demon's Souls, a remake of the Dark Souls series. We invited twoo streamers and, instead of starting fights, they unexpectedly gave their opponents a revival item. As the gamers donate life in the virtual world, they spread the word that anyone can donate life in the real world too, by downloading the Save One Person app and registering as a living organ donor.