Department of Internal Affairs - Keep It Real Online
Advertising Agency
Auckland, New Zealand
Agency / Creative

The Internet. The world wide web. It can be a wild place for kids, we hear yah (wild, and sometimes downright dangerous).

The DIA approached us to to develop a public awareness campaign from the ground up - something that would empower NZ’s parents to tackle the issues of the internet head on, and ultimately reduce online harm to children and youth within Aotearoa. We’re talking online safety, IRL.

Our Solution? Keep It Real Online – a campaign that harnesses humour to show parents and caregivers how to have frank conversations with their tamariki about the dangers of the online world.

Pornography the leading issue. The creative sparked a global conversation across 200 media outlets, reached 30 million orngic vdiews online and generates 250,000 visits to the campaign website.