Government of the Republic of Korea - Until We Rise Again
Production Company
Seoul, South Korea
Agency / Creative
Music / Sound

Despite the fact that the Coronavirus pandemic is less than a year old, a lot of tropes have established themselves within the domain of COVID-19 communication from brands and public institutions, to the point of becoming cliches. While avoiding the quickly tiring tropes, the Government of the Republic of Korea wanted to create an uplifting message encouraging folk to continue fighting against the pandemic both as individuals and as a nation.

The result is 'Until We Rise Again,' a music video produced as a collaboration between the Government of the Republic of Korea and 1Million, a fiercely original collective of performers and one of the best known dance and choreography studios in South Korea. 1Million's performance expresses the need for distancing, the respect for all essential workers and the hope for a brighter future. By using dance as the medium of communication, the music video aims to alleviate the fatigue set in by the cycle of pandemic communication and content while emphasizing the importance of collective action and solidarity.

The campaign's contents have amassed more than 3.6 million views across various channels and through the YouTubers who have reacted to the video. President Moon Jae-in shared the music video on his Facebook page, praising the dynamism of the message and urging the country to remain resolute in its fight against the pandemic.

Campaign URLs

Main Video - Government YouTube Channel:

Main Video - 1Million YouTube Channel:

Making (Behind the Scenes) Video:

Choreography Video: