Samsung & Fortnite - Anti Bullying Skin
Advertising Agency
São Paulo, Brazil
Agency / Creative
Music / Sound

Fortnite is the biggest game on Earth, with more than 350MM users worldwide, most of them teenagers. It may look just a funny, friendly game, but it's facing a new kind of cyberbullying. It's against players called Defaults. Gamers who can't afford a better skin (a graphic asset that changes the appearance of characters in video-games without interfering in players abilities or impact) and play using the basic one. Those kids are getting bullied by the community into spending money, in a way to make them feel they are a lesser player when it comes to skills or financial condition. So, we wanted to fight this toxic behavior inside the gaming community and at the same time advertise the Galaxy smartphones and tablets for gamers to play on them.


Samsung in partnership with Fortnite created a new skin to help change this toxic behavior: The Glow. Unlike other skins, which can cost up to a thousand dollars, the Glow can be redeemed by any device from the Galaxy Family for free. And mostly important, it’s the first ever skin that can be donated, making each of the 14 million Galaxy owners able to fight the default skin bullying. We invited the biggest Fornite influencers to join the movement, by donating their Glow skin to default players during live streams and encouraging every Samsung owner to do the same. In a world where skins are the main social currency, making a donable one is life changing.


+ 290% search on google for bullying + Fortnite
+ 50MM earned media.
+ 74000 comments. 97% positives. In four hours of live.
+14MM potential donors