Smucker's - Father Nature
Advertising Agency
New York, USA
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

Today’s parents look at Smucker’s as sugary goo. So they’re using less and less of it, especially in kids’ lunches. To shift perception and earn a spot in parents’ consideration set, we needed to create a campaign that associated Smucker’s with real fruit, which is its first ingredient—not sugar.

So we started by thinking about parents who are searching for more natural options for their kids. Sure enough, the most natural parent on Earth popped into our minds: Mother Nature. Unfortunately, she wasn’t quite right. She’s cool and all, but there’s no way she has time to be making PB&J for her kid. But you know who does? Her husband, Father Nature. He’s the guy at home, holding down the fort and raising their daughter, while she’s off making it rain, and snow and sleet.

Our campaign follows Father Nature, his modern relationship with his powerful AF wife and his hands-on approach with his daughter. It’s no surprise that the Nature Family is a Smucker’s household—after all, it’s fruit first.