McDonald's - Night Workers
Advertising Agency
London, UK
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

This campaign shows how, although Britain’s 3 million Nightworkers might be practically invisible to society as a whole, McDonald’s restaurants both sees and serves them each and every night.

Our challenge was to build distinctiveness and, most importantly, increased affinity for the McDonald’s brand. 

Our strategy was to do this by shining a light on the unique role that McDonald’s plays in Britain’s overnight culture – with over 700 McDonald’s staying open 24/7, to provide a much needed service for the nation’s 3 million nocturnal workers. No other brand comes near to this scale of service and support. 

In this way - by framing McDonald’s as the much-loved choice of Britain’s night workers – we hoped to also be able to demonstrate the brand’s dependability and integrity to the nation as a whole. 


Serving A World Most Of Us Never See

Our campaign highlights McDonald’s role in Britain’s overnight workforce, by contrasting social perception of this hardworking but unseen community with our brand’s unstinting service of it. 


With a beautiful blend of honesty and sensitivity, our campaign shows how, although the lives and efforts of night workers might be practically invisible to society as a whole, McDonalds both sees and serves them each and every night,


This is dramatized by removing the nightworker from each scene. Hospital patients are cared for without visible nurses, supermarket shelves are restocked untended, and traffic cones are laid carefully on the road by no one at all.  


But, when these workers enter McDonald’s, they finally become visible - McDonald’s sees them. The commercial then resolves with the line “Over 700 restaurants serving a world most of us never see.”


Alongside TV, the campaign was supported by social, radio and digital display – every execution conveying the message that McDonald’s is always open for everyone, whenever they need a break; no matter who they are, where they come from, or what time of day it is.


However, in just the 1 week it was live, the campaign was incredibly well received - garnering endless positive national press coverage, receiving Campaign’s Ad of The Day, and - potentially most touching of all – inspiring many emotional notes of appreciation from McDonald’s franchisees.